Friday, 30 December 2016


Grice Maxim’s: The maxim of quality, where one tries to be truthful, and does not give information that is false or that is not supported by evidence.
From his theory we can see that there are many interpretations when the speaker says something. We can see it from the utterance. We have given the example before that refers to Quality Maxim.
Gricean Maxims generate implicatures. If the overt, surface meaning of a sentence does not seem to be consistent with the Gricean maxims, and yet the circumstances lead us to think that the speaker is nonetheless obeying the cooperative principle, we tend to look for other meanings that could be implied by the sentence.
Grice did not, however, assume that all people should constantly follow these maxims. Instead, he found it interesting when these were not respected, namely either "flouted" (with the listener being expected to be able to understand the message) or "violated" (with the listener being expected to not note this). Flouting would imply some other, hidden meaning. The importance was in what was not said. For example, answering It's raining to someone who has suggested playing a game of tennis only disrespects the maxim of relation on the surface; the reasoning behind this "fragment" sentence is normally clear to the interlocutor (the maxim is just "flouted").

Tuesday, 20 December 2016


      A.    Definition
Speaker speaks straight forwardly and clearly and avoids ambiguity or obscurity. These maxims identify a particular set of patterns in interaction and speakers  are expected to make their utterances informative, truthful, clear and relevant.[1]
Maxim of manner is one of the Grice conversational maxim which constitute the Cooperative Principle. The maxim of manner, when one tries to be as clear, as brief, and as orderly as one can in what one says, and where one avoids obscurity and ambiguity.[2] It makes the following requirements :
Be Perspicous :
-          Avoid obscutity of expression
-          Avoid ambiguity
-          Be brief ( avoid unneccsary prolixity)
-          Be orderly
The maxim of manner is related to how something is being said in the conversation. It is one of the four maxim that are part of Cooperative Principle[3] This last maxim indicates that one’s contribution should be clear, direct, orderly and to the point. The speaker should avoiding usning vague or ambigous utterances when speaking. The maxim of manner thus relates “ not to what is said but , rather to “How” what is said to be said”. Levinson thinks that the most important of the sub- maxim of manner is the one that states that participants “ be orderly”. Grice states “ I expect a partner to make it clear what contribution he is making, and to execute his performance with reasonable dispatch”.[4]

      B.     The Proposes of the maxim
            Grice propses this maxim as an explanation for a certain kind of regularity in conversational behavior with respect to the way information is provided at each turn of a conversation
          An elaboration of the Gricean maxim of manner was proposed by Leech (1983: 100), who distinguishes two kinds of clarity: "One kind consists in making unambiguous use of syntax and phonology of the language in order to construct a clear text. Another type  consists in framing a clear message, ie a message which is perspicuous or intelligible in the sense of conveying the intended illocutionary goal to the addressee."
               Horn (1984) suggests that all maxims (except of the Maxim of Quality) should be replaced with two principles: the Quantity principle and the Relation) principle. With respect to the maxim of manner, the R principle states: "Make your contribution necessary; say no more than you must (given Q)." (Horn 1984: 134). With respect to manner, the two principle maximization of informational content (avoidance of ambiguity/obscurity) and minimization of form (be brief) are identified Horn. [5]

      C.    Scope of  Manner
Violations of the Maxim of Manner can take many forms:
1.      Order of presentation of information
2.      Vagueness and ambiguity
3.      Volume and pace
4.      Choice of words
5.      Attitude
6.      Even facial/gestural expressions[6]

      D.    Flouting of Manner
     Flouting a maxim is a particular salient way of getting an addressee to draw an inference and hence recover an implicature. The maxim of manner is flouted when a speaker deliberately fails to observe the maxim by not being brief, using obscure language, not being orderly or using ambiguity. This creates an implicature which makes the participants look for an additional set of meanings.[7] It involves the absence of clarity and transparency of communicative intentions. There are two reasons people flout maxim of manner :
1.       To get attention;sometimes people use identical word in one situation to get attention from others
2.      To be clear.

Example :
            A: I hear you went to the opera last night; how was the lead singer?
B: The singer produced a series of sounds corresponding closely to the score      of an aria from ‘Rigoletto’.
B disobeys the Maxim of Manner, thereby implying that the singer wasn’t very good. But in the Lemony Snicket example, I think the author is being unnecessarily descriptive for stylistic effect, to cause the reader to do a double-take, rather than to imply anything in particular about what the person is wearing.[8]
      E.     Violation of Manner
Violation is defined as the unostentatious or "quiet" non-observance of a maxim. A  Speaker who violates a maxim "will be liable to mislead" (Grice, 1975: 49). Violating a maxim is the opposite of flouting a maxim. Violating a maxim prevents or discourages the hearer from seeking for implicatures and encourages their taking utterances at face value.
When violating the maxim of quantity, the speaker does not provide the hearer sufficient information. As for the maxim of quality, the speaker is not honest and provides wrong information. When violating maxim of manner, he / she may say everything excepting what the hearer desires to cognize. Concerning the last maxim, of relation, here one can observe that the speaker endeavors to change the discussion subject or to deflect the hearer.
E.g:      Dad                 : Did you have voleyball practice today?”
                        Daugther         :Yes. I`ve just arrived”
           The girl (who was with her boyfriend at the cinema) violates the maxim of quality as he lies to his father for some reason. (probably the father doesn`t know about her boyfriend).
 A: Did you have fun at your cousin`s wedding?
 B: The location was near a lake, there many guests, italian food, they brought a DJ       from Club
B is ambiguous giving a lot of information about the wedding, exept the response that A expected: a simply yes or no answer, thus violating the maxim of manner.[9] 

F.     Example of the Maxim of Manner
A  :  Where  was  Alfred  yesterday?
B : Alfred went to the store and bought some whiskey.
In the example, B’s answer obeys the manner maxim: be orderly, because she gives a clear explanation where A was.[10]

                                                <<See other related topics>>

[1] Janin Jafari, Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 2151-2156,                December 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland
[2] accesed on 18 December 2016
[3] accessed on 18 December 2016
[4] Journal of the College of Arts. University of Basrah, No (50) 2009. accesed on 19 December 2016

[5] accesed on 19 December 2016
[6] Maxim of Manner pdf accesed on 19 December 2016

[7] Niclas Andresen,  (2013) Flouting the maxims in comedy: An analysis of flouting in the comedy series Community, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department ofLanguage, Literature and Intercultural Studies, Pdf accesed on19 December 2016
[8] accesed on 19 December 2016
[9] Marina Alexandra Raceanu  ,Speech Acts In Profesional English accessed on 19 December 2016
[10] Han- han, accesed on 19 December 2016

Sunday, 6 November 2016


Terkhusus buat teman-teman jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris semester akhir. Ini ada peluang

untuk mengikuti program pelatihan guru/calon guru bahasa Inggris yang diadakan RELO atau yang

biasa disebut Pre-Service English Teacher EPIC CAMP.

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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Hubungan Guru dengan Pemerintah

  •    Guru harus memiliki komitmen kuat untuk melaksanakan program pembangunan bidang pendidikan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam UUD 1945, UU tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Undang-Undang tentang Guru dan Dosen, dan perundang-undangan lainnya.
  •           Guru membatu program pemerintah untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan yang berbudaya.
  •         Guru berusaha menciptakan, memelihara, dan meningkatkan rasa persatuan dan kesatuan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
  •    Guru tidak boleh menghindari kewajiban yang dibebankan oleh pemerintah atau satuan pendidikan untuk kemajuan pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
  •     Guru tidak boleh melakukan tindakan pribadi atau kedinasan yang berakibat pada kerugian negara.

[1] Yasaratodo, profesi kependidikan, (Medan,2013), Hal: 15-19

Hubungan Guru dengan Organisasi Profesinya

  •      Guru harus menjadi anggota organisasi profesi guru dan berperan aktif dalam melaksanakan program organisasi bagi kepentingan kependidikan.
  •      Guru harus memantapkan dan memajukan organisasi profesi guru yang memberikan manfaat bagi kepentingan kependidikan.
  •     Guru harus aktif mengembangkan organisasi profesi guru agar menjadi pust informasi dan komunikasi pendidikan untuk kepentingan guru dan masyarakat.
  •      Guru harus menjunjung tinggi tindakan dan pertimbangan pribadi dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas organisasi profesi dan bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensinya.
  •     Guru harus menerima tugas-tugas organisasi profesi sebagai suatu bentuk tanggung jawab, inisiatif individual, dan integritas dalam tindakan professional lainnya.
  •      Guru tidak boleh melakukan tindakan dan mengeluarkan pendapat yang dapat merendahkan martabat dan eksistensi organisasi profesinya.
  •      Guru tidak boleh mengeluarkan pendapat dan bersaksi palsu untuk memperoleh keuntungan pribadi dari organisasi profesinya.
  •        Guru tidak boleh menyatakan keluar dari keanggotaan sebagai organisasi profesi tanpa alasan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

[1] Yasaratodo, profesi kependidikan, (Medan,2013), Hal: 15-19

Hubungan Guru dengan Sekolah Dan Rekan Sejawat

  •           Guru harus memelihara dan meningkatkan kinerja, prestasi,dan reputasi sekolah.
  •         Guru harus memotivasi diri dan rekan sejawat secara akif dan kreatif dalam melaksnakan proses pendidikan.
  •           Guru menciptakan suasana sekolah yang kondusif.
  •          Guru menciptakan suasana kekeluargaan di dalam dan luar sekolah.
  •           Guru harus menghormati rekan sejawat.
  •           Guru harus saling membimbing antarsesama rekan sejawat.
  •         Guru menjujung tinggi martabat profesionalisme dan hubungan kesejawatan dengan standar dan kearifan professional.
  •    Guru dengan berbagai cara harus membantu rekan-rekan juniornya untuk tumbuh secara professional dan memilih jenis pelatihan yang relevan dengan tuntutan profesinalitasnya.
  •    Guru harus menerima otoritas kolega seniornya untuk mengekspresikan pendapat-pendapat professional berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
  •     Guru harus membasiskan diri pada nilai-nilai agama, moral, dan kemanusiaan dalam setiap tindakan professional dengan sejawat.
  •      Guru harus memiliki beban moral untuk bersama-sama dengan sejawat meningkatkan keefektifan pribadi sebagai guru dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas professional pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
  •    Guru harus mengoreksi tindakan sejawat yang menyimpang dari kaidah agama, moral, kemanusiaan dan martabat profesionalnya.
  •          Guru tidak boleh mengeluarkan pernyataan keliru berkaitan dengan kualifikasi dan kompetensi sejawat atau calon sejawat
  •     Guru tidak boleh melakukan tindakan dan mengeluarkan pendapat yang akan merendahkan martabat pribadi dan professional sejawatnya.
  •        Guru tidak boleh mengoreksi tindakan professional sejawatnya atas dasar pendapat siswa atau masyarakat yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya.
  •        Guru tidak boleh membuka rahasia pribadi sejawat kecuali untuk pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang dapat dilegalkan secara hukum.
  •        Guru tidak boleh menciptakan kondisi atau bertindak yang langsung atau tidak langsung akan memunculkan konflik dengan sejawat.

[1] Yasaratodo, profesi kependidikan, (Medan,2013), Hal: 15-19

Hubungan Guru dengan Masyarakat

  •         Guru menjalin komunikasi dan kerjasama yang harmonis, efektif dan efisien dengan masyarakat untuk memajukan dan mengembangkan pendidikan.
  •    Guru mengakomodasikan aspirasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kualitaas pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
  •           Guru harus peka terhadap perubahan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat.
  •     Guru bekerjasama secara arif dengan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan prestise dan martabat profesinya.
  •      Guru melakukan semua usaha untuk secara bersama-sama dengan masyarakat berperan aktif dalam pendidikan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan peserta didiknya.
  •           Guru memberikan pandangan professional, menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai agama, hukum, moral, dan kemausiaan dalam berhubungan dengan masyarakat.
  •            Guru tidak boleh membocorkan rahasia sejawat dan peserta didiknya kepada masyarakat.
  •           Guru tidak boleh menampilkan diri secara eksklusif dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.

[1] Yasaratodo, profesi kependidikan, (Medan,2013), Hal: 15-19